“吃香蕉不扒香蕉皮”终于不错罢了了!日本一家公司培育出一款外表不错食用的香蕉,关于“懒癌晚期”患者来说國產av 果凍傳媒 肛交,这下愈加便捷了。
In Japanese, it's being described as "Mongee" -- the "super" banana. It looks just like any other banana, but it's supposed to be softer and sweeter -- and its peel is edible. 这种香蕉的日文名叫作念“Mongee”,即“超等”香蕉的意念念。超等香蕉和其他香蕉看起来相通,但堪称口感更软更甜,且外表不错食用。
Even though they cost around $6 each, the special bananas have had no trouble attracting customers to the one place in the country where they're sold, the Tenmaya store in the southwestern city of Okayama. 诚然每根超等香蕉售价约为6好意思元(约合东说念主民币38元),但却不愁销路。这种香蕉在日本仅在一家商店出售,那即是位于冈山县(地处日本西南部)的Tenmaya超市。
超等香蕉由日本公司D&T Farm培育,该公司在其网站上宣称,果皮富含维生素B6、镁和色氨酸。色氨酸是东说念主体必需氨基酸之一,可参与东说念主体内血浆卵白质的更新。
The technique used by D&T Farm to create the Mongee banana is called "freeze thaw awakening." The process involves starting banana trees out in an environment that's nearly minus-80 degrees Fahrenheit, then moving the trees with their still-ripening bananas to a more temperate climate of around 80 degrees — an environment banana trees typically grow in the entire time. D&T Farm培育超等香蕉的手艺被称为“冻融叫醒”。培育经过中國產av 果凍傳媒 肛交,需要先将香蕉树栽植在接近零下27摄氏度的环境中,随后将果实尚未老练的香蕉树移植到温度在零上27摄氏度控制的温带空闲环境中。在这种环境中香蕉树频繁会一直孕育。
The extreme temperature variation puts the banana's growth into a sort of hyperspeed mode, so the peel doesn't fully mature, leaving it with a texture like "lettuce," a D&T Farm spokesman says, per the New York Post. 据《纽约邮报》称,D&T Farm的一位发言东说念主默示,这种顶点的温度变化会让香蕉的孕育速率变快,因此香蕉皮不会全王人老练,质量如“生菜”一般。
Taste-testers for the RocketNews24 site in Japan say the banana fruit itself — which has about 5 more grams of sugar per banana than the regular version — boasts a "very strong tropical flavor" akin to that of a pineapple. But the peel apparently lacks any specific taste. 日本网站RocketNews24的品尝者称,清纯诱惑超等香蕉的果肉比每根鄙俗香蕉含糖量逾越5克控制,有着“浓郁的热带风范”,访佛于凤梨。然而果皮似乎没什么特殊的滋味。
Although it's said not to have a "strange texture" and is "fairly easy to eat," the tasters add there "isn't much flavor"; one experimenter even said it was somewhat bitter, though not as much so as the peels of regular bananas, which he also tasted. 据品尝者称,超等香蕉的果皮“口感不奇怪”,“嚼起来也很容易”,但也“没什么滋味”。一位品尝者甚而默示,诚然它不像我方吃过的鄙俗香蕉果皮那样,但依然稍许有点苦。
Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in Japan. The country has long relied on imports from places like the Philippines, where the climate is better suited to growing the fruit. But D&T Farm is hoping to change that. 香蕉是日本东说念主最心爱的生果之一。日本弥远依赖从菲律宾等国度入口,那边的空闲更合适栽植这种生果。但D&T Farm但愿改动这种情况。
"Japan imports a million tons of bananas annually, but only makes less than 1% of its consumption," CEO Tetsuya Tanaka said. "If bananas are produced locally, it will energize Japan's farming." 该公司首席奉行官田中哲也说:“日本每年的香蕉入口量有一百万吨,但日本的香蕉产量却不足其破钞量的1%。若是能在日本原土坐褥香蕉,那么将为这个国度的农业注入活力。”
Tanaka says the company's freezing formula could someday help address food shortages in the world by enabling farming in places known for cold, inhospitable temperatures like Siberia. 田中哲也默示,D&T Farm的冷冻培育手艺可能在改日匡助处治大家食物衰败问题,让东说念主们大略在西伯利亚这么气温冰寒恶劣的地区栽植农作物。
英文开头:CNN國產av 果凍傳媒 肛交,Fox News 编译:董静 审校:马文英